I really do understand where you're coming from, really I do. But millions of people right now don't have insurance, don't have a stable income, are at risk of losing their homes and possessions, have decided to go back to school regardless of how insecure life is, etc......they're making it work even on 1 income or none but financial aid and other sources of temporary income.
Life isn't secure and stable. Life is messy. What would you do if hubby came home Monday and said he'd been fired? What would you do then? You'd make do and support him in finding a new job.
It truly sounds like he's miserable. If he's that unhappy at work he might just bolt, move on and leave you to deal, he might just flat out cause so many problems he'd get fired, maybe even have a mental breakdown and end up in a mental health program somewhere for workers who broke.
Had a friend who did this. Successful engineer with a very good income, just couldn't handle the stress on a new project. Couldn't get off this project even though he tried. Ended up having a total break down. He was in the hospital for weeks. He came out a shell of the man he had been. He could no longer drive, couldn't work at any job, and started drawing disability. His wife had to quit her job to stay home and care for him for several years. He couldn't even decide to fix a meal when he was hungry.
To this day she wishes she'd listened to him when he said he couldn't do this project, that is was too harmful and he couldn't cope with what it was going to do to the world, he just broke and every day she wishes she just had her husband back.
I didn't meet him until he came home from the hospital. I married my hubby about that same time. I meet this gentle man who couldn't find his way out of a wet paper bag and was astonished at the stories of how he'd been before. He can drive now but has never held a calling in church, never been able to work and provide for his family, and he's not the same.
I think you should support your husband and get over this obsession with stability. Life isn't stable and your need for it is a goal but not the end game. If you lose that security for a while you'll make it work, you will do okay.