Hydrocephalus??? - Pleasanton,CA

Updated on June 07, 2012
E.H. asks from Pleasanton, CA
5 answers

Hi ladys, for those moms out there with babies who suffered from hydrocephalus while in the womb...Can you please tell me how affected your baby after he/she was born?...My sister went to the Dr. this morning just to find out that the sonogram showed that the baby (fetus) has water in his brain and can't move his hands. I was devasteted when my mom told me the news. I can't stop crying since then since he is going to be my first nephew. She is going for an MRI and amniotic fluid this F, so she can for sure know how bad it is. I'm just so sad for her, her husband and the baby I wish I could fix it.
Prayers are welcome :)

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answers from Tucson on

Hi there!! im so sorry you guys are hurting, but heres the good news they found it on the sonogram so they can get to fixing it asap!!! My sister in law was born with Hydrocephalus and has had several surgeries and she is amazing!!! Everything will be okay just trust in God!!! xoxo let me know if I can do anything for ya !!!



answers from New York on

Prayers for your family. Hopefully, modern medicine will allow her to lead a
normal life (with a shunt).


answers from Detroit on

Sending you prayers of miracles and strength!



answers from Madison on

I have a close friend who was told her baby had no brain...turns out she had severe hydrocephalus and her brain didnt develop and she has spina bifida and her legs are paralized after surgery. Baby is now 3 and functions at about 6 months. While my friends baby is a sad story, she is a severe case though because her brain didnt develop. The good news though is I met many children with hydrocephalus while my friends baby was hospitalized and most were living a normal life. The have shunts put in and the occasionally need revisions, but have normal brain development. I wish you all the best.


answers from Houston on

Oh I am really sorry, that's hard. I have known a couple kids with this condition, my sister had a condition called Rett Syndrome, so I have known people with all kinds of things in my life. The one girl I knew pretty well was a total doll. I loved her a lot. She did pass at a young age but was full of life for all the days she had. I know that is not the best thing to hear right now of course I wish I could say something better. I will say that my mom knows a girl personally who's daughter was diagnosed with skeletal dysplasia (sp?) and was told she would have little or no time with her little one and her daughter was born totally healthy! So not every diagnosis is right, ultrasound is not an exact science. If this diagnosis is correct however, it doesn't mean the baby won't have a happy life and advancements in medicine are being made everyday. My sister was a woman that defied so many odds in her life. Many people in her condition only live into the teens and she lived to be 34, was very healthy until she was about 28 and was a total gift to the world. At her graduation when they wheeled her onto the stage every single one of those high school seniors jumped to their feet hooping and hollering and cheering. She was there in her wheelchair beaming. Somehow a disabled girl who could not speak or walk had managed to grab the hearts of a whole class of kids. So just hang in there, have a good cry and then remember while there is life there is always hope. I have known so many disabled people in my life and they are wonderful. I am so sorry your family is going through this hard time, I will pray for all you, hang in there.

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