You need to set aside some time for her during the day - she is way too young to understand that you need to work. You're better off leaving some of your own chores undone to spend some time with her. You need to give your husband a specific list of tasks to do each day - most men are very, very bad at figuring out what we consider obvious AND you may need to tell him how to do certain things or you need to accept his way of doing things. Some men will purposefully do things poorly, knowing that you won't be satisfied and will stop asking them to do it. And, he also needs to have some time to spend with her when he's at home in the evening (reading, etc.) - maybe that's when you can focus on chores or the office side of your business (computer stuff, at least). I also mostly WAHM and my younger son still needs one on one time with me and he's 11 and he is old enough to understand that I have a job to do, but it doesn't change that he wants some attention. So, this problem isn't really going to get easier as time goes by. What you need to do in the morning is tell her the specific things that you can do when you get home and then follow through and do those things - have a tea party, go to the park, etc.