The happy balance IS just a fairy tale--there is no perfect solution. I work full-time and wish I could be home with my 3 year-old boy, but whenever I am at home on vacation, I have the same frustrations you described--can't keep the house clean, can't entertain my child well enough, etc. I feel guilty working but also would feel unfulfilled staying home all day--and it's okay to feel that way. Since you don't have to work full-time, one option you could consider is to work part-time during the day, and find an inexpensive preschool or child care you could send your kids to during that time. It would give your kids some social/learning time, give you a break, reduce your guilt from working full-time, and give you some extra cash. If it's not enough money, maybe you could still bartend on the weekends to make up for it. I do believe that even SAHMs who feel incredible fulfilled at home still need a break during the day from their kids. As much as we'd all like to believe in the "fairy tale" of staying at home and running a perfect household, it's almost impossible to attain--and your own well being is important, too. Working part-time could give you some of that feeling of satisfaction and being part of the "outside" world. No matter what you decide, just know that your decision is right for you, and that's all that matters.