Ok, I would definatley make the house VERY Romantic. I would make sure the house is clean and dont smell of cleaning stuff!!
I would make him his most fave meal or buy it at his fave resteraunt! Have it warm and ready on the table set for 2. Candlelight, rose petals lying around the table or maybe some heart/love confetti sprinkled around!
I would have some nice music you both like playing *esp YOUR
song,if you have one*
Have candles lit around just about everywhere you can think to put them!! Candles make it so beautiful!!
I would have a nice warm bath drawn for him with candles around thruout the bathroom *even on the tub* put a nice manly scent in the water for him and rose petals if you think hed like that. *i once put floating candles in there for him, of course you take them out before he gets in* OR you could do all that and YOU be in there waiting on him (say your goin to the bathroom and then call him in)
Have the bedroom ready!! Nice clean sheets and blankets! Candles and a good smelling scent *they say men are more attracted to food scents and that vanilla is a natural afrodesiac (SP) Sprinkle rose petals on the floor and the bed (my hubby made a heart shape on the bed with them and had them all over the floor and they were in the bathroom as well, I had them as a path leading to the places I wanted him to go, so either way works!!
I dont know if you have a "couples" store anywhere around or not but if so they have alot of neat, nice, romantic stuff.
I would also suggest a nice warming lotion/massage oil and give him a nice rub down!! He will really enjoy that im sure!
You could even cut out hearts and put them around here and there!! Look thru some of the clearance valentines day stuff too!! Might find some good deals and nice stuff you could use!!
Also A cute lil nighty, I wouldnt go crazy with this thou cuz m sure it wont be on long! ;)
Theres some places online to look for some ideas too! I knwo one for sure is:
They have alot of cool things there and theres a place where People have submitted thier ideas!
I know i have more ideas I just cant think!! lol