How great!! This wouldn't work for the group of friends...but I love the idea!!
I thought I was busy with 4 boys, I'm sure 7 has to be even more so.
I usually make twice of what I make and freeze it, like enchiladas, lasagna, and taco meat. That makes my life easier since almost every night we have sports practice
What do I do to save time?
I make lists. Prioritize what needs to be done. Then go from there.
I have hired a cleaning crew to come in once a week and clean the house so that I can stay on top of everything else. Laundry for 6 can be an every day chore if you let it.
Our boys also are responsible for things around the house. So I don't feel like I have to be "perfect" or wonder woman.
I made a monthly calendar with pockets for each week. this is where we put our bills, the mail comes in, it is opened and reviewed then put in the slot for the week before it's due.
We schedule on-line payments so we don't have to worry about things being mis-routed in the mail.
My calendar includes sporting events, practices, games and school functions. Tyler is given a list every week so he knows if he needs to get off work early.
Even though I have a cleaning crew come in, I still keep up on the dirt that gets brought in with 4 kids! My oldest wipes down his bathroom every night before he goes to bed. The 2nd oldest takes care of the bathroom that he and the other two share. We take care of ours.
We plan meals too. I've seen that said on here many times. It helps with grocery shopping and saving money.