If we won $1000 or $5000 or $10,000 it would go into savings because we are working on a car fund to eventually replace our misbehaving 2000 model. We're doing our best to keep the current car going, but a better condition vehicle is a predictable need for us.
$1 Million isn't 'quit job' money. After Federal, State and local taxes I'd suppose about 45% of that would be gone. So say $550,000 to keep.
After paying off our mortgage and getting the above mentioned car, I'd use the rest in various savings and investments in order to generate an income. Even with today's low interest rates if I did nothing but put $450,000 into a basic savings account (it would be covered by FDIC) I could reasonably expect more than $20,000 per year.That's a nice chunk, but not enough to stop working.
What most lotto winners do - quit job, vacation, buy a bigger house, gifts for family & friends - means the money is gone pretty quickly. A lot of times winners end up worse off than they were before. If you want to keep having money, you have to plan ahead to spend investment income while not touching the original winnings. A short period of delayed gratification will go a long way.
I think I'd have to win a keep-amount of $50M+ to feel comfortable spending a little more outright. We still wouldn't use the winnings for general living expenses, so jobs would need to be kept until alternate income was in play. My husband likes his job, but he does have self-employment dreams. The money generated would enable him to go for it with low risk.