Unfortunately I am in your same position, except my youngest is 3 years old! I did work out at the Y for 6 months, from last August till Feb., and unfortunately, it did me absolutely NO good - didn't lose any weight or any inches. I got more discouraged and gave up and cancelled the membership. When I was doing it, it was great and easy to stick with, but only becasue my oldest was going to a preschool program there 3 days a week and so we had to drive there and be there anyway....youngest went to the babysitters there for an hour and a half while I exercised....now that precholl is over i don't have that auto-pilot reason.
It was hard to get motivated, but once I made it a habit, it was easy to follow through. I am stuck again now, I need to workout here, and i have all the stuff - videos, treadmill, bowflex, resistance bands; it 's getting started that is hard. Really all you need are good walking shoes & your feet to exercise. Unfortunately my kids are big enough they don't want to ride in the stroller, but still little enough they can't walk fast enough to keep up with me to give me a good workout.
I am going to the Dr. in 2 weeks (earliest appointment I could get) to see if there is something else going on - going from sedentary to 3x a week 1 hour long high energy aerobics plus weights SHOULD'vE changed something in 6 months....? Right? I am thinking Thyroid issues becasue of tiredness no weight loss and many other issues, plus family history.
I am a carbs and sweets craver and if they are here I will eat them, so I try not to buy them at all. You could maybe buy a type of bread you dislike, or supstitute a different type of snack, fruit or veggies with a hummus dip or something.
If you have done Weight Watchers in the past, you know how the system works, - just follow it yourself, without paying them the money and going to meetings, mayeb get a friend or 2 to do it with you. Have them walk with you too.....or see if you can trade off child care so each of you can go for a long walk alone each day??? Like you watch her kids in the AM and let her walk for 1 hour, and she watches yours in the PM and you walk for an hour???
As for the sex life, I know!!! - mine really sucked, I had to force myself to do it more for his sake/our relationship's sake - between my body image and the kids driving me nuts and just being tired, I was NEVER in the mood....I made myself "start" things with DH once a week at least, and after starting I would get in the mood as long as we made sure the kids were asleep first. He still finds me attractive at least, and although I don't, I have to get over it....I definitely try not to focus on me, but on him during that time.
I am with you sister - I don't want you to feel alone in this, like you are the only mom who doesn't have it together, I knowi sometimes feel like that - I am going to read all your answers and see if anything else sounds like a good way to motivate myself too!
Keep strong, and start small - even babysteps are at least in the right direction!