Get him a Leapster.
My son is 3, he's been using his Leapster since 2 years old. He loves it. It is educational and a 'learning' toy. It is great. My son can do it independently... and really learns from it.
Next, he can play with his toys too... my son really loves pretend play with his figures... and it keeps him really immersed... and he knows he can always call me if he needs me and even if he is in the same room as me while I get ready or cook or clean, he will often "help" me too...
The thing is, there is 1 of you, and your child. We Moms have things to do around the house. A child, will 'know' the 'routines' of the home and if you have a ROUTINE, everyday for him, and let him know what is next... then that helps... that is what I do. My son, knows our routines and what 'we' do and what 'I' do, and what "he" does.
Your son can "see" you cooking dinner... he can be in the kitchen too. Play there. My son does that. He also helps me cook. He can chop things, he can even break an egg open and cook and scramble his own eggs, while I supervise. I incorporate him INTO 'our/my' routines. He can be near you, next to you.... and you can still do what you have to do.
He does not only have to be IN the play-room.
The thing is, you need to help "organize" the child too and what they do... so when he gets up early and you need to get ready/shower... then explicitly explain to him what he CAN do... his options. Tell him there is a certain time for tv... etc. A child can find things to do... when I take a shower, my son is in the next room and I tell him to either come to the bathroom or yell REAL loud, to call me... but I make sure he is first, playing with something that I direct him too... and its fine.
Have a ROUTINE... for your child.
all the best,