I was just recently induced with my 6th daughter due to my history of precipitous deliveries as well. I had a high dose of pitocin (low dose didn't work with me with my 5th baby and I was eager to get things going) and my water was broken. I got up frequently to go to the bathroom which tends to help labor progress.Because I was scheduled for a tubal ligation right after my delivery, I ended up getting an epidural which I could have passed on. I found getting into a good labor pattern and making low, groaning sounds during my contractions was extremely helpful at getting through the contractions while waiting for my epidural. I had a low dose of pitocin with my 3rd baby, my water was intact, though, and I progressed rather rapidly at the end and delivered her naturally with no pain medication. Of course, the nurse delivered her because she did come very quickly at the end (that's typical of 3rd labors). The suggestion I would make for you is to avoid having too many people with you during your labor unless they are specifically there for labor support. Too many people with you during labor are distracting. Refresh your memory on good pain relief techniques w/o using drugs. You can do it - but be flexible, too. God bless you!