These ladies are right. Never pay money for an agent. If you child "has what it takes" then an agent will send you to get headshots and might even pay for them. Most are in LA. I live in HB and did this for a while and let me tell you, we would get a call at like 5:00 pm for an audition the next day in North Hollywood. We would have to rearrange all our plans for the audition. The whole process takes three hours at least for a five minute audition. Then, IF your child gets a job the pay is really bad. We got a Toys R Us catalog after an audition. We drove an hour to the location, sat for 90 minutes, took 15 minutes worth of pictures then left. 3 hours for the audition with drive time, five total for the shoot and we made $75. 20% of that I had to give to the agent. Not really worth it if you don't live up there, if you ask me. But DO NOT pay for "classes" to help you learn to audition or do make-up. Take your child to a real agent in LA and ask them for an honest opinion. If they have "it" the agent will only take a percentage of what you earn, not an up-front fee. Good luck!