I have a set of twin boys from IVF - 3rd cycle. The meds made me bloat, gain weight and get very emotional. I mean I cried at a Visa commercial...
Now, if you go to a reputable place, they will tell you that their goal is ONE healthy baby. You may end up with multiples and apparently, the older your eggs are, the higher the chance of egg splitting. Now, we went to Boston IVF and they were the MOST wonderful people and Doctor Bayer was so amazing that I have to say that I will miss him now that we are done. He is a lovely man. I ended up with multiples because they tend to maximize your chances by putting 2 fertilized eggs back and on this particular occasion, I had lower grade eggs (meaning less chance of taking) and I had 3 put back. I ended up with 2 boys and am thrilled. Since you have had children in the past, it may be easier for you to conceive because your body doesn't need to be "trained" with pregnancy hormones. See if you can get on a State HMO - in Massachusetts, the state based HMOs are required to pay for fertility (up to a point) so if you can plan ahead, do it! Because it is NOT cheap. Our insurance was amazing and we hardly had to pay for anything at all.
The egg retrieval will or will not hurt based on the number of eggs you have to retrieve. I had 30 eggs on one VERY memorable retrieval and I was in so much pain they gave me morphine. I remember asking the nurse if they had used the battering ram from Lord of The Rings...lol BUT, on the ones that had fewer eggs, it wasn't so bad. A little achy and crampy but not even as bad as period cramps. I have had IVF 7 times. The 3rd time gave me the boys. I was hoping for one more and tried 4 more times after that but couldn't seem to stay pregnant for very long. Of the 7 tines, I would say the last 4 were the worst because my body kept responding faster and better to the meds and I would get more and more eggs. OUCH.
Also, the weight you gain with IVF (or any fertility med) is harder to lose because it's messing with your hormones. And, often there are underlying conditions that can cause the infertility which also cause weight gain and slow to zero weight loss.
Just make sure you get a good doctor and a good supportive place.
Good Luck!
ps I apologize for any typos (no contacts yet this morning!)