honestly i think it is better to evaluate your lifestyle than resorting to chemicals. The weight will not stay off in the long run, and you are endagering your health, no matter what the FDA says.
To truly keep the weight off, I would recommend checking out a raw diet. This might sound boring or bland to you, but for the past week I have been eating raw and have lost five pounds. My taste buds are alive. I feel friggin great. And seriously, this woman I know told me, "I., I didn't recognize you. You look ten years younger." Weird huh? I can recommend some very simple un-cook books to you.
For now I'd recommend drinking a smoothie in the morning, consisting of soy or almond milk, a banana, and other fruits like strawberries and/or blueberries. Eat as close to the bottom of the food chain as possible, like leafy green salads. Cut out the ranch, use vinigrettes. Really this style of eating requires more creativity and fun. I made a salad today called Un-Tuna salad....with almonds, celery, and some other things and damn if it didn;t taste like tuna.
I hope this helps. I have a sister that is always dieting, taking pills, whatever, and it has become a vicious cycle. I am concerned for her health. Anyhow, you can lose that weight. But the mist important thing is starting at the core.