Unfortunatly that is how my sister and friend got pregnant. It too is not full proof. good luck to you
I have been using an IUD for about 15 months and love it. This past month I have missed a period for the first time. Although I know that is normal, I am hearing stories from my sister-in-law of people she knows who have gotten pregnant with an IUD and am starting to question if that might be the problem. Has anyone else gotten pregnant with one?
Well, I took a home test and not pregnant. It is a relief but I no longer will go on believing this is foolproof. Obviously some people are still concieving even with an IUD.
Unfortunatly that is how my sister and friend got pregnant. It too is not full proof. good luck to you
Not to scare you but I also used the IUD with hormones (Mirena) I was on it for about 4 months when I did not get my period like everyone else I thought that it was just one of those side effects that I honestly didn't mind having, but 3 months later I was having pregnancy symptoms I thought it was just side effects when I went to my Gyno she checked to see if I might be pregnant just as a safety measure and to my disbeleive I was 15 wks pregnant. I had my IUD immediatly removed and now I have a healthy 7 wk baby boy.
Hi C.-
I have had a Mirena IUD for about 4 years now. I haven't had any problems, but lately I have been having nausea and cravings and the sort. It seems every month or soo, I swear I am pregnant. But test after test prove to be negative. I believe that the hormones trick your body into believing that and you may exhibit symoptoms right around the time you are supposed to get a period. But I still check anyways. It is better to be safe. If you are having symptoms, you should take a test just to be safe. If you have an IUD and you do get pregnant, there is a greater change of having a tubal pregnancy. My Dr told me that if I did get preganant it wouldn't come to term and they would have to take the IUD out. But, some people have had safe pregnancies with these. I just think you should always check if you think there is a chance.
Do you have the Mirena IUD? I have had it for about a year and I have almost no bleeding, if any, at all. I asked my gyn. and she told me that many women have little or no bleeding at all after the first year or so. It is a normal side effect (and a great one, if you ask me!). As for getting pregnant with the IUD: if you have any other symptoms you should take a home test BUT don't get too frightened. My Dr. told me that it is as effective as tubal ligation and more effective than the pill. Chances are that it will work.
you can get pg with an iud its rare but it can happen. I'd take a test to put your mind at rest
I can only speak from experience. The 1st IUD I had was the copper one & had it for only 4-1/2 years. Had problem with periods (would last almost 2 weeks per month!!) I then switched to the Mirena IUD earlier this year & love it!!!! Have only had 1 very light period since April and NO...never gotten pregnant on either. They say the Mirena IUD may cease menses completely but it's okay.
C., I would advize you to take a pregnancy test, weather you take a home test or go to your doctor, if you haven't started your period ( say a week AFTER you were suppose to start) It is possible to get pregnant while taking any type of birth control, even condems. If you can not fford to take a home test, go to your local "planned parent hood", or whatever they are called where ever you are from. It is better to check, and have it come out negative, then NOT to check and have it be postive. I went to school with a girl who was on the shot and got pregnant, another friend was taking the pill and 9 months later she had a girl. I was on the pill since i was 12, i am now 27, and i never got pregnant, but like i said it can happen.Good luck.
I have been using the Merina IUD for about four months, I haven't had a problem yet. It's actually making my period a lot better; after I had my daughter my periods were really heavy and I would get a lot of blood clots. It's a lot lighter now and I love that fact that I have to do nothing.
C...I am only sharing this with you bec this was a difficult but important sitauation in my life. I had an IUD inserted and became pregnant. However, I was a little further along and had to terminate pregnancy bec the IUD was inserted incorrectly and there was no way to take it out AND keep baby safe. GO TO YOUR DOCTOR ASAP! It was a very traumatic situation for me and one of the reasons I do not advocate IUD. I also have since changed doctors. I also have 2 friends whose IUD's were inserted correctly and STILL became pregnant....please see your doctor