IUD Vs. Vasectomy

Updated on December 26, 2010
D.G. asks from Farmington, NM
19 answers

my husband and I both agree that we are done having children, but we aren't sure what we want to do now. It looks like the best options for us would be either my husband getting a vasectomy or me getting an IUD. I'm not sure my hubby is quite ready to get a V. the last time I brought it up he said he wasn't sure. As far as an IUD, I've heard terrible stories about them from some, and others love them. I've had bad reactions with other birth control methods, so I'm worried about the IUD. I guess i'm just looking for any experiences with either so I can get a better idea about what we might want to do. Thanks!

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answers from Albuquerque on

Men are the biggest babies! We go thru labor, birth huge babies, and are the primary care takers. The least they could do is take care of birth control once you're done having kids. Insist he get it. Being that you have had problems in the past, you shouldn't go that route. It's the least he could do for giving him two beautiful children! My husband got it done and it was no big deal. Good luck.



answers from Phoenix on

Interesting, I have never heard that you should wait a year after a c-section for an IUD. I got mine (Mirena) about six months after my son was born (c-section) and I love it. I don't have periods, cramps, etc. We almost went for the big V, but I am glad we didn't because we are thinking about trying for #2 in the next year or so. Also, I have a friend whose husband got a vasectomy after they had two children, seven and a half years later they decided they wanted another child and got a reversal... not cheap or guaranteed.

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answers from Albuquerque on

Everyone's experience is different, but I am a big fan of the mirena IUD. I had lots of problems with the pill - killer migraines and unbearably tender breasts most of the time. I used a diaphragm for a long time too, but got an UTI about every 2 months, which you can imagine is a bummer. I had the mirena before deciding to have a baby, and was able to get pregnant within 6 months after removal (btw, I was 38 when we conceived). Now, 3 years or so later, I just got another mirena. After 1-2 weeks of spotting with no cramps, I feel totally normal.

On the one hand, it seems only fair to let your husband bear some of the burden of family planning, but on the other hand, as simple a procedure as a Vas. is, it is still an invasive surgical procedure that is not easily reversed.

There are risks with both procedures, so you just have to decide which will meet your needs the best without unacceptable risks.

Good luck with your decision!

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answers from Phoenix on


I had the Paraguard IUD (the copper with no hormones) because I had had bad experiences with hormone based birth control and I LOVED IT!!! It was a little crampy for the first 2 days but Advil took care of it and it was wonderful and super convenient! It did make my periods a little heavier but you can have the IUD in your body for up to 10 years!! My husband and I decided we wanted to have a second baby and it was very easy to have taken out and you can pretty much start trying right away because there are no hormones to adjust.
On the other side of the coin my sister had the same IUD put in but too soon after having her babies via c-section each (2 c-sections within 2 years and she had the IUD put in under 6 months from the second) and she had nothing but problems and has had it removed. They do say it is good to wait almost a year after a c-section to have an IUD.
It sounds like you are very active so this would be so easy for you. I really enjoyed not having to think about birth control or having to go to the store all the time to buy contraceptive products. I plan on having the Paraguard IUD put in again after this baby is born. My husband and I can not decide on the permanent fix either but this seems just as good!


answers from Albuquerque on

This is a very personal decision, so take into account all of the issues that you both have and don't rush into a decision! That being said, I also have bad experiences with birth control. I feel like it changes me. Like I'm a totally different person with any amount of hormones in my body. The IUD worked for me for a while. However, once I had it in for over 2 years, I started to struggle with major depression. If you know me, this would SHOCK you. I am not a depressed person- I am bubbly, outgoing, and passionate about everything. My husband finally told me that I needed to see a doctor because he was really getting worried. My PCP told me that many many many people start to have symptoms of depression when using an IUD. I quickly made an appt to get it removed. Within 3 weeks, I was back to normal. I think that my body does not respond well to any type of hormonal birth control. Especially when it builds up. If you are like me, I would suggest that the V might be a better option for you AND your family. I am expecting baby #3 now and my husband has agreed to step up and get the procedure so that I never have to be on bc again. I have been on some form of bc for our entire marriage - 8 years, and birthed (nearly) 3 children... just something to think about! :) Good luck!



answers from Tucson on

if YOU are done get your tubes tied - simple, permanent and pretty much foolproof



answers from Tucson on

I had a a hard time with BC but even before we got married we agreed that I would have the babies and he would get a VAS. He was a big baby about it but then told me it wasnt so bad that he made more of a big deal because it was his stuff. The whole getting kicked there kinda idea it hurts but you carry on all day about it.



answers from Phoenix on

Have you heard of Essure permanent birth control?
It's an in-office procedure and eliminates having to go
to the hospital for surgery.

Dr. Eddy is a great doctor and has a lot of experience with this procedure. You can read all about it here http://eddyobgyn.com/essure.html




answers from Phoenix on

I have had the Mirena IUD for almost 4 yrs now and I LOVE it! I have a horrible memory and I really don't have to worry about this for another year. I haven't had but MAYBE one problem with it and that was Endometriosis...but a quick out-patient laproscopy(sp?)took care of that. The Mirena may or may not have caused it.
I haven't had a "normal" period since I've had this(light spotting for maybe half a day every couple months), no weight gain(actually weigh less than I did before my daughter) and I'm pretty much happy with it overall.
Have you thought of a hysterectomy(sp?) if you guys are sure you're done with kids?



answers from Phoenix on

Well, I don't know about a vasectomy. My husband and I have talked about it too and he is willing to do it, but I'm worried because I've heard that somehow it can sometime reverse itself, which I don't quite understand...

As far as the IUD goes though. I have Mirena and for the most part it's great. I don't have a real period, I spot about once every three or four months or so and I don't have any cramps and I haven't had any complications with the IUD itself. The only problem is that it has messed with my thyroid levels. It doesn't do it with all women, but I've put on 50 lbs. since I've had my daughter so it's been a slow weight gain so it's not too bad, but the problem is that I can work out all the time and diet and all that and I'll lose 10 lbs and then I'll just hit a brick wall. No matter what I do I can't lose any more than that. Plus, I get tired easily. So I'm on medication to bring my thyroid levels back up and hopefully that will take care of the problem.

So depending on how the medication works I'm considering staying on Mirena. I really don't like having to worry about taking medication every day, but I love not having a period and all the stuff that comes with it.



answers from Albuquerque on

Hi D.!

If you and your DH are sure that you are finished having babies and are not sure about the V you should get information regarding the Essure Procedure. It is a permanent procedure. There is no down time and it can be done in your Gyno office. I had mine done a couple months ago and the worst part was I had some cramping but I took an IBprofin and it was gone. The statistics on this procedure are really good.

Good Luck! I hope you can find something that will work for you!




answers from Albuquerque on

I believe that if you have had problems with birth control methods in the past that you should avoid the IUD. I had mine put in 3 months after my daughter was born and it got embedded in my uterous wall, caused serious cramping and it hurt to have interource or to use the restroom. When I coughed or sneezed the cramping intisified. It went away after having the IUD removed. I would not recommend it.


answers from Phoenix on

I hope you don't mind me saying, but you seem awfully young to be thinking about doing something so permanent! I am 38 and had my 4th son just over a year ago. We are almost positive that we are done having kids, but because I'm not completely 100% sure, I will not nor allow my husband to do anything permanent. I, like you, HATE any kind of hormonally based birth control - my body does not enjoy them at all! After my 2nd son, I heard about the Paraguard IUD - copper based, no hormones - copper is a natural spermicide - and it works like a charm! I have my 3rd one now and got it just after my 6 week post partum checkup after #4. Only side affects: heavier periods for a while, until your body adjusts to it (2 months for me), and a little bit of cramping. It's easy to have put in, and even easier to have taken out. With #3 and #4 I had it taken out and got pregnant with them right away. One day we might do something permanent, but for now, I will continue to sing the praises of my Paraguard!...and would recommend it to ANYONE. It can stay in safely for up to 10 years! It's a very personal decision, but it's a very big decision also. Take your time and do what you feel is right. Good luck! P.S. - Isn't it marvelous that we live in a time that we actually have a choice??? Ahhh, modern technology! Gotta love it!



answers from Phoenix on

You've had the babies, it's time for hubby to step up. Vasectomy is a very easy outpatient procedure and very effective. My husband did it for me for Mother's Day! I know tons of guys who have had it done.



answers from Phoenix on

I decided against the IUD based on the fact that it can act as an abortifactant - i.e. it prevents an embryo from implanting in the uterine lining. Depending on your personal beliefs, that may or may not be an issue for you.

Good luck! I'm dealing with a similar issue. I don't want to have any more kidlets, but hubbie doesn't want a vasectomy - so we're trying to figure out what we can do from here.




answers from Los Angeles on

I also have weird reactions to BC so I got the Mirena IUD and was absolutely out of my mind and my body was all over the place so I got it replaced with the non-hormonal IUD (ParaGuard) and my body normalized, but I PMS about 2 weeks a month and still really don't feel like myself. Much more emotional and frustrated, short tempered etc. I was pretty balanced before either of those with no bad PMS issues, so my husband and I decided the Vasectomy would be best. I am 35 and should have known after trying everything that I am just better off au natural!



answers from Phoenix on

My husband and I were in the same boat. I had the Mirena IUD inserted about 6 weeks after my son was born. This is actually my third one. I had one before we had kids and between getting pregnant with my daughter and son. Both times we decided to try for a baby, I had the IUD removed and within weeks, I was pregnant.
It is the best form of birth control I've ever been on. And I've tried a lot of them. Depo was hell, pills were inconvenient, barrier methods aren't fun. This one is easy and forgettable. I don't have to worry about it except when it's time to "check". And it's good for 5 years at a time. I'm due for a new one within the year.
I have very light periods that seem to last about 2 hours! I once started a period at the beginning of a softball game and was done by the time we made the last out!! No cramps, and I cramped a lot before. And no side effects from the progestin. There is so little of it on the device and for the most part it stays in the uterus.
My husband and I are still discussing the vasectomy, but we have time and I'm not too desperate. The only plus of him going in is it's permanent and we're sure we're done. I think I'll keep my IUD even after that though. Since it benefits me beyond preventing pregnancy.



answers from Phoenix on

I kind of agree with the idea that the husband should step up and get a vasectomy since you had the babies. However, my husband wouldn't do it - it was just something he couldn't consider and couldn't really vocalize why. So with 4 kids, and both of us over 40, I went with the Essure procedure. I had never heard of it until I asked my ob to tie my tubes and he presented it to me. Now it's only been recently, so I can't really speak to my own effectiveness, but the research on it is good. It is minimally invasive, no hormones, I had mine done in the doctor's office. Just thought it'd be something else for you to check out.



answers from Phoenix on

If you are 100% sure you are not having any more kids then why wouldn't you just go & have a tubel instead of an IUD that can cause health problems.. After my tubel I was up walking around the next day & by the 2nd day I was doing all the stuff I did before..Yes other people don't recover that fast but your body should be in good shape with all the streatching & things you do that you should be a fast healer.. Just wondering

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