My 16 month old son is very picky. He has been that way with food since we tried introducing cereal at about 5 months old. He will only eat a few things - waffles, yogurt, cheese, raisins, blueberries, bananas, crackers, lorna dunes shortbread cookies, corn, cereal bars, cheese, and, once in a while, bologna. That's about it. I actually still supplement with two jarred veggies (squash and green beans mixed with cereal) because he will eat them and, well, I want him to eat. I cannot get him to try anything new and, sometimes, he decides that he doesn't want the things he usually likes. He is in daycare and I worry that he will not eat enough because, if he is distracted or tired, forget about it. He also drinks a lot of milk. Sometimes, the whole idea of meals is something I dread - I wish I had one of those kids who would just sit down and eat a variety of foods. I am also not sure what to do to get him to be a consistent eater. Everyone keeps telling me not to worry and that, like you, "he will eat when he is hungry." That sounds good, in theory, but, like you said, how can they not be hungry? My son is within the normal weight range, but, a little light-ish. He's 16 1/2 months and I would say he probably weighs about 23.8 pounds. So, I have no solutions, but, I can commiserate. I am interested to see if anyone has any helpful advice.