Seatlle is one if the 3 hardest places in the world to predict the ACTUAL weather.
((As opposed to the general weather... Which is (barring 2 weeks a year) : Raining, Just finished raining, Will be raining soon... And overcast. Its over ast 300 days a year.))
In most of the country the meteorologists can say 'Rain. From 3pm tapering off at 5pm.
HERE? If they say snow it could be snow, or sun, or rain. If the day sun COUNT on rain, if they say rain, it'll probably rain, but it may be sunny & gorgeous.
We have COMMON 20 degree temp changes in a day, and often 30-40 degrees in a day. 30 70 50 40 70 30 19 40 50 50 50 (that's average weather from Sept-June. June-Sept looks like this 50 50 80 50 75 75 103 65.
Teeheehee. My east coast friends are always blown away by the CLOTHES people wear here. Be ause on the street, in 50-60 degree weather, you find full winter clothes, jeans & hoodies, shorts and puffy jackets. Skirts & flips. Shorts & tees. You CAN'T tell what the weather is by seeing what people are wearing.
And I don't know anyone who 'puts away' any season wardrobe EXCEPT : snow suits & swimsuits. 2 articles of clothe live in the closet. Everything else stays out year round. Be ause its 50 & raining in July. And 75 & sunny in January.
People get sick here, a LOT, though. We weren't designed for these crazy temp fluxes.
Mold was, though. We have more molds & fungus species than the top 3 rainforests COMBINED.
Ugh. And it seems like half of them live in sinuses! LOL, I laugh, but most people in Seattle have chronic sinus infections. So its not just the AREA that's drippy... WE are, too!
Our poor weather people don't have a chance.
(We also don't have 5 day forecasts. We have 2 day forecasts. The news DOES 5 day (national news), but local only does 2 day. Even then, its wrong about half the time.