My girls are 2 1/2 years apart. I wouldn't have it any other way. They are so very close. Now they are 2 (about to be 3 in one month) and 5. My older child was so interested in every aspect of the baby. She was her mother and not her big sister. In fact she was in the laber room. (let me mention it was much by mistake the baby came too quick, the dr didn't even make it in the room) She was just amazed. The only problem I had was my older child was 100% potty trained and when the new baby came, she started using the bathroom on herself. Other than that it was soom sailing. Now, they get along very well. Since I have two girls close to age, they are interested in just about the same things. They play with just about every thing together. When friends come over, they all play along. As for now, its great.