Hello N.,
I'm from Missoula also, I am a mother of four daughters ranging in age from 17 to 11, I do believe there are several
more Missoula women that just have not responded. This is a great web site, enjoy.
Hi! i was just wondering who out there is from the missoula, mt area. i get all these posts and they say they are from my area but then they really aren't i'm confused and maybe not understanding something. i love this site it has helped me a ton. just wondering, No-l
Hello N.,
I'm from Missoula also, I am a mother of four daughters ranging in age from 17 to 11, I do believe there are several
more Missoula women that just have not responded. This is a great web site, enjoy.
Hi N. - I'm J. Johnson. I live in Missoula. I work fulltime plus an with AtHome America and Usborne Books. I'm a member of the Missoula Business Women's network. LOVE that group! Good to "see" someone right here!
Mom, Grandma and wife!
Yep...I am in Missoula! I joined just a couple weeks ago and am a SAHM of a 3 yr old boy. I freelance graphic design from home and this site has been great to be in touch with other moms. Good luck and keep posting. :)
I'm from Missoula. I work at the U. I just started to receive these emails because my daughter, who lives in Beaverton, is a new mom of my first grandchild.
Have a great day N. and family.
Hi N.,
I live in Missoula also. This confused me also at first but what I understand is if there is not enough people from one area then you get other area questions. My Children are grown now and I have a Grand Daughter. All of them live away from me. My son, his wife and baby live in SC. My daughter got married and moved to Oregon. So I enjoy being part of the mamasource because I have advice sometimes and just enjoy being part of this web site. If there is anything you would like to talk about you can surely contact me my email is ____@____.com.
Hi !! just wondering I'am from the missoula montana area and what kind of posts are you talking about? just wondering !