My mom (who, in retrospect, was the best mom in the world) took this strategy.
Since she worked full-time, Saturday mornings (after cartoons, of course) was a 1-hour cleaning frenzy time for the kids. At 8 years old, if I didn't have my dirty clothes in the hamper, bed made, and toys organized at the end of the hour, then I'd have to pick up not only my room but also do another dreaded chore (such as wipe around the outside of the toilet bowl with vinegar/water-yuk!)
Of course, we didn't have a lot of toys. The toys we did have had their own labeled places (toy box, bin, etc.) so it was crystal clear where everything belonged. Same with clothes drawers.
When I was a teen, Mom would throw any clothes left lying on the floor after 1 pm Saturday out on the front lawn. Underwear and everything. The horrors! This only happened to me once, believe me!
Bottom line: Mom was always a woman of her word. If she said she was going to do something, she'd do it. So pay attention the first time!