Please, if you care about your cat, don't even consider declawing. Most vets won't even do the procedure anymore. It is cruel. As you said, they remove part of their fingers. You wouldn't do that to your child, why would you do it to your cat? Hopefully you wouldn't and that is why you are writing. They have some things out on the market that claim they will keep cats away if you spray it on the furniture. I have not tried these, you can try them if you haven't yet.
If it was me, I would do away with the drapes. You can get blinds, and your kitty won't get stuck in them hopefully. lol
Getting a pet is a big commitment, for life. If you decide to have them in your home, and be part of your family, you need to take steps (just as you would do a child) to make the place safe for them. If it's not working for the cat, get rid of it. That is my motto. I have done several modifications to my home for my cats over the years. It is a happier home because of it. All cats are different and have their little unique ways of getting into stuff. That is what makes them so special. Get rid of the drapes and enjoy your kitty. Don't worry about the petty stuff in life. Best wishes! :D
PS they have those things you can put over their claws too, don't know how well they work either, but you can try them.