Hello Am111,
Congrats on your pregnancy! Be assured the baby doesn't care how many clothes, cribs, toys, etc s/he has as long as Mama and Daddy are there with lots of love! You already love him more than anything, and that will get you through a lot.
I bet your doctor has already heard all of what you're going to say. If she has had children she may have felt it all before too. Docs are (or should be ) aware that hormones run amok during pregnancy. You've also got a whole bunch of other issues (moving, living with in-laws, money shortage) that would stress out a non-pregnant person.
BTW, buying the insurance, even though you are paying the full premium, is probably a smart thing to do, even though it is painful in the short run. The cost of L & D is probably higher than what you will pay in premiums. If anything happens where you or baby require extra care, those premiums will look like the biggest bargain on the face of the earth! (I truly hope you will not have the occasion to make that cost comparison--but it is true).
Try to reduce the stress in whatever way works for you in your current situation--taking walks, sitting outdoors in the sun, listening to music, prayer, meditation, long baths/showers (if your inlaws are OK with that, and you're not hogging the bathroom--lol), reading, puzzles.....whatever you can think of. If you have a hobby, maybe you can make some connections and make some friends, which will certainly help out. Maybe a book discusssion group at the library?, community choir? orchestra? theater? volunteer work? do you attend church? usually lots of possible activities there--Bible study, choir, Moms groups, altar guild, etc. Yes, you may have to scale back your activities after baby is born, but people understand that.
We moved a lot after getting married, so I feel your pain of not having friends. In Holland Mich. there was a wonderful Newcomers Club. Look for one in Chicago! or if you went to college, check the alumni office for names of grads from your school to get in touch with. There might even be an alumni club. Check also for your husband's school if he went to college.
If you are planning to breastfeed your baby, (which I hope you do--yes I am biased), go to a La Leche League meeting. You don't have to be amember to go. Pregnant women are welcome! and you'll meet other moms--an invaluable resource! Breastfeeding will save you a ton of money, and also helps you bond with your baby. If you feel you are bringing him into a chaotic situation, why add more chaos by having to worry about sterilizing bottles, mixing formula, etc, when you could just put him to your breast when the need arises? I always felt relaxed nursing my little ones, it forces you to slow down and focus on what's important--people, not things.
I hope this helps a little. You will get through this! Hang in there, and let us know what happens!
Hugs to you!
K. Z.