This is a very tough and difficult situation. My son has been picked on since 1st grade. Called names and even physically hurt. We have done the school counseling thing and to be honest, they don't have the time for that. They told me I had to take my son to see a psychiatrist. We have told our son countless times to stay away from these kids but for some reason they are still drawn to them, like some sort of acceptance if they hang around them. You know, at first I was the type of mom who kept quiet and told me son to deal with it, ignore it, be better them. But the latest incident almost got him suspended. Why you say? Because my quiet, keep to himself, brush it off kid got so fed up with it he almost started a fight. But the very people who I thought were protecting him, principal, administration did not protect him. My son's life was threatened. It started out with the name calling (some of the obscene). We blew it off and told him to ignore it. But you know what, it may work for some and not for others. Not for my son at least. Even though my son was trying to protect himself, my son was the one up for suspension not the kid telling him that he was going to find out where he lived and come and stab him. I understand how some can say just teach them to walk away, ignore, teach them to be tougher. But for some it doesn't work that way. It didn't for my son. At my son's school, one boy had in house suspension for calling another kid a Mother bleep. I am sure you can fill in the other word. Another kid got expelled for drawing graphic pictures of nude adults. These kids are the same age as my son 10!!! I have talked to teachers but their hands are tied. Talking to parents may not help either. We were told that if we confronted the one father that he gets very confrontational and they didn't want to see that happen. Yes, we went to the principal and administration. We didn't regret it. I found out that so much stuff is swept under the rug that as parents we do not know about. This is a very tough call what we did. But the little stuff, name calling, etc. has escalated over the years. When do we as parents finally have to step in to protect our children. Next year, the school is doing what is called a 2-step program and the whole school is going to do it. It talks about bullying, social skills, tolerance, etc. Plus they are pulling in a few boys at a time to talk to them about my son with my son in the office. I guess this is better than him being suspended for defending himself. Again, this is very tough and nobody likes to have their children picked on. I think the call is up to the parent and only the parent knows when is enough for their child and when the parent needs to step in and get the school involved.