Has he had any vaccines recently? Exposed to Chicken Pox (don't get the vaccine for this one, let him get this at a young age).
Is he uncomfortable?
My baby has little red bumps all over his body (not dense but scattered) up to the bottom of his face. There's even some in the inside of his ears. Anyone know what this is?? The only thing I can think of he's been using Nystatin cream for a yeast infection for a little over a week now...could it be an allergy??
He has no fever so don't think its roseola... will call the pediatrician today..thanks everyone~
Has he had any vaccines recently? Exposed to Chicken Pox (don't get the vaccine for this one, let him get this at a young age).
Is he uncomfortable?
Once the rash appears with roseola, the fever has usually gone away. So it could still be that.
Here's a good slideshow on WebMD of common childhood skin problems that can help you diagnose what your child has: http://children.webmd.com/slideshow-common-childhood-skin...
Most babies get the Varicella vaccine early these days. Even with the vaccine, sometimes a mild case of chicken pox develop. My daughter had the vaccine and in fourth grade broke out in little red bumps on her tummy and a few on her back. Check with your pediatrician, but what you describe sure sounds like a mild case of the Chicken Pox.
Get a doctors opinion as soon as possible.
I doubt this is it but if there are knots behind his ears it is chicken pox. but a vacine has been created since my oldest was an infant. so I doubt this is right. also being in california it might be a simple heat rash. look on web md for various rashes some require medical attention. web md will tell you which ones have to have medical attention.
I doubt this is it but if there are knots behind his ears it is chicken pox. but a vacine has been created since my oldest was an infant. so I doubt this is right. also being in california it might be a simple heat rash. look on web md for various rashes some require medical attention. web md will tell you which ones have to have medical attention.
Take him to the Doctor or ER as soon as possible.
You cannot guess at it.
How old is the baby? Google pictures of roseola. You can check to see if it looks similar. Both of my kids had it, it's harmless, and the doctor will not prescribe anything. If it looks like something else, get into the doctor!
The skinAid at this link may help, poor little baby!
it could be mulluskum contagiousum...check with your ped.
Hi SS,
Do they look like little pimples? If so, often babies will get baby pimples, and sometimes all over.
If it looks like a rash, contact the doctor ASAP. A rash can mean a lift threatening issue.
R. Magby
it could be roseolla
It could be anything from a serious emergency to a laundry detergent allergy. No way to know without seeing a doctor asap. Good luck!
I wouldn't take a chance trying to guess what it could be, take him to the doctor as soon as you can. It could be nothing, but then again it could be something serious, so you are better off being safe than sorry.