UW Medicine in Kent (at Kent Des Moines Rd and Pac Hwy -- just west of I-5) has a new peditrician Dr Kiss (pronounced Kish) She is a mom of two and a great doc!
My youngest is 14 months and at 12 months my dr started advising that i wean which is not what i want to do. the WIC office told me i should find a new dr, one who is more breastfeeding friendly.
i like our office and where it's located but am willing to look at other options. i'd like to stay in auburn area. any recommendations would be appreciated.
edited to add:
So Auburn Valley Pediatrics is where we are currently at but we aren't able to see Dr. Oriel- i was told we would but then he wasn't avaialbe... i'm seeing one of the others. should i talk to him directly?
UW Medicine in Kent (at Kent Des Moines Rd and Pac Hwy -- just west of I-5) has a new peditrician Dr Kiss (pronounced Kish) She is a mom of two and a great doc!
We also go to Dr. Oriel in Auburn and we love him!
Dr Oriel, Auburn Valley Pediatrics, hes at the Auburn hospital. We love him!
They aren't in auburn but the women's and family health specialists in renton are great. We see Dr. Saunders and she is awesome about that sort of thing! (and everything else)