I do home parties for women with adult products. I talk to hundreds of women about their sex lives or lack there of, because of my career, and not ALL women are getting it from overly aggresive partners. Some women aren't getting it at all from their partner. Some women cry to because of the lack of sex, even if they try to initiate. Some women wonder what's wrong with them because their partner doesn't seem to show any interest at all. There are problems on both ends of the spectrum....
If you are having an issue dont blame it on magazines, talk to your partner. If your needs arent being met or you feel you arent being respected, again talk to your partner. If none of that works then you have a few choices that only you can make.
As far as the question Why or why not, do we need these articles? Well, I guess its the same for everything, you can choose to read or not read them. If they are upsetting to you, then dont read them. People enjoy many things they don't need. Maybe find a group of women like a support group that feel similar and can help you find a way to handle a partner you feel is too aggressive.
If you have someone blaming you that you're getting it somewhere else if you arent going after him, I can understand the frustration if you just have a different labido that your partner. You feel that the magazines are adding fuel to the fire. However if this is the case maybe talking to someone could help you decide what to do or say.
Be well...