Mailing Lists and Sites for Product Recalls/info

Updated on April 01, 2008
J.H. asks from North Andover, MA
14 answers

Hi, there. I was wondering if you could give me advice about which mailing lists to join/which sites to bookmark so that I can be up-to-date on product recalls/new studies about health issues, and other important info for parents. Suggestions, anyone?

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answers from Boston on

Hi J.,
I have e-mails sent to me directly from (Consumer Product Safety Committee) You can sign up for child specific recalls. It's amazing how many there are on a weekly basis! Fortunately, most of the notifications I receive haven't been directly linked to infant toys, etc. recently! Good luck!

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answers from Lewiston on

Hi J. -
Congratulations on your pregnancy.
I am a first-time mom to a beautiful 5 month old boy.
The web address you need is:
In addition to that site you should also check out for parenting tips and info.
I did a bunch of research on vaccines and the best resource out there is a book by Dr. Sears titled The Vaccine Book. I believe so strongly in the information in this book that I regularly buy copies to give to people. There are also websites for the FDA and CDC (Center for Disease Control) and many more websites that will stem from that.
Best wishes to you and hope you have a good delivery.
- K.

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answers from Boston on

A good site that I found to be helpful is With this you can type in any address and see if there are any registered sexual predators in the area. I believe that it is very importnat to know this type of information in this day and age. Hope that helps.

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answers from Boston on

The national data base for product safety, recalls and alerts is:

This is the place that issues alerts on product safety for devices and medications, both over the counter and prescribed. I keep this website on my bookmarks and refer to it frequently.

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answers from Providence on

I'm on consumer product safety commission for recalled
American Academy of Pediatrics is good for health issues. Good to be informed

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answers from Boston on

This site send emails regarding public announcements, recalls, etc. Good luck!

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answers from Springfield on

I just responded to another mom with this website. It does not have recalls, but deals with the safety of personal care products (shampoos, soaps, makeups, etc.) and includes both children's and adult's products. It has been a Godsend to us, since my husband is chemically sensitive. It is and it has a lot of good information. We have learned a lot from it, and had to toss some seemingly innocuous products. Please take a look and pass this on to your friends.

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answers from Boston on

You can sign up to receive recall info at You can get recall information for a variety of categories (one is toys/kids) through your email.

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answers from Boston on

The news updates from include child product recalls.

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answers from Boston on

Someone else may have already mentioned this, but the CPSC (Consumer Protection Service)allows you to sign up for free emails of recalls. You can choose the product categories you are interested in. It is free. I highly recommend it. Good luck.

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answers from Burlington on

Well these 2 sites may or may not be applicable to you depending on whether or not you plan to breastfeed, and whether or not you will be going back to work... they are and Both are fabulous, and while theya re somewhat geared towards breastfeeding, they offer other useful info as well. Best of luck!



answers from Boston on

check out I get a notice almost every day about something that has been recalled.



answers from Boston on

Hi J., I agree with Kathy S and Kate A and suggest to cut out all sugars including candy,soda,juice-etc. Try that for 2wks-4wks then talk to your doctor for a referral for an allergist. My son has multiple food allergies and when he is having a "reaction" whether it's a skin rash or digestive problems he cannot sit still. You'd be amazed at how what we eat can affect how we live. Good luck.
M. W.

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