I would do a little less celebration of junk food (although I think living room picnics are great fun), and do the things that my son remembers - museum visits, hikes, finding frogs in the pond, building ant farms in a clear container in the back yard, flying kites, collecting snails and minnows at the beach, collecting shells and gluing them to a painted board to make a design or picture, building elaborate networks of trenches in the sand, combining toys to make complex set-ups (such as Brio trains and Hot Wheels and space ships into a huge set-up, which uses a lot of creativity), scavenger hunts, exploring a nearby city or historic site, making really awesome Halloween costumes and doing fun pumpkin carvings, putting on plays, building forts, going camping for real, telling knock-knock jokes, doing Mad Libs, reading together, family movie nights, "upside down days" with dinner for breakfast and vice versa, collecting rocks and painting them, then using them or giving them as paperweights, making picture frames for school pix for Grandma by using macaroni or foam shapes on a matte or cheap wooden frame, making birdhouses or bird feeders, making your own holiday decorations (which you then get out every year to reinforce the memories), creating photo albums and scrapbooks, telling stories about the grandparents that the kids didn't know, making a family photo wall, tearing up magazines and making collages....gee, that's all I can think of right now!