Being big could be a couple of things. I measured big too, and when they ran all the tests everything was normal. What ended up happening at 38 weeks my doctor induced me because the baby was measuring 42 weeks. They were afraid he would be over 10 pounds and I would not be able to deliver him naturally. What ended up happening in my case anyway, I had an amazing amount of amniotic fluid. This was causing me too measure larger than normal as well as magnify how large the baby was on sonograms. Be patient don't get of anxious or stress out.
As for the anemia, I can really help you out there. I have dealt with this all my life. Green vegetables and red meats are a great source of iron. When I say green vegetables, spinach, broccoli, asparagus, things of that nature. Then of course your red meats as I said. And fruits of course, darker fruits, blueberries and blackberries.
Good luck.