amen, sister!
i am a single mother thank goodness! but it seems to me that, well, here's the deal... back in the day, it was a woman's job to stay home, cook, clean, care for children, right? well, now, it's nearly impossible to survive only on one income, so a lot of time women have to work too, and many men would expect that if only to live up to a certain lifestyle and have the funds to do so. so, it is a complete mistery to me why men somehow are STILL under the impression that even if a woman works 40 hours (regardless of what the job actually is - desks jobs are mentally exhausting as well) she is supposed to still cook, do dishes, laundry, clean the house, take care of the children (play time, bath time, talk time, book time, bed time) do erronds and more. sometime in there, a woman NEEDS to find time for sleep, rest, relaxation, an hour for books or her favorite tv show and on top of that a night out with the gals once in a while. why your husband can stay out until 3, but not get up for the baby?... a mistery to me. i don't even know how to get it across to him either. i don't understand the selfishness or lack of understanding, or laziness, or lack of priorities or why a man can not see how much a woman/mother puts out for everyone else except herself - and how really huge a little bit of help really is.
no, i don't have advice, but i have complete empathy for you and i wish you all the luck. please if you find a way, do spread the word :)
for now... i'm happy being a single mama. i have been a single mama since the very day i found out i was pregnant. i did have a boyfriend for a bit and now i know it's fewer dishes, less laundry, a clean house. yes i do it all by myself, but at least i'm not doing it for a grown man on top of me and my daughter. i hope you get him to see the light. best of luck to ya, girl!