Mini Boden Is Having a Great Sale and I Can Not Decide.........

Updated on May 20, 2010
L.C. asks from Holly Springs, NC
5 answers

This question has nothing to do with parenting , but if somebody can offer their opinion I would really apreciate it.
Mini Boden (miniboden .com ) is having a great sale where you can buy 2 items and get third for just $1. I really like their board shorts for boys ( I custom apllique shirts from Walmart to match:)) They are pricey, but with this offer it makes it not so bad, consideing that my boys can wear them for 2 seasons and I can resell them on ebay afterwards(they go used on ebay for almost the same price what they are new.......crazy).
I like red camo ones, plain jean ones, but CAN NOT decide between orange stars or brown stars shorts.
What do you girls, think?????

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answers from Seattle on

Love love love miniboden... Kiddo still has shirts from when he ws 4 (4 years ago) that we just cut the 2nd sleeves out of to make short sleeved shirts for the summer (we order one size too big so we get min of 3 years wear out of them). The clothes just simply last FOREVER. And I've got an adhd kid who his idea of a lazy afternoon includes wrestling with the dog, skateboarding, climbing/falling out of trees, and getting covered in glue from head to foot.

This is what I do when I can't decide:

1) Flip a coin. Then, I ask myself which side I'm secretly hoping will come up. 99% of the time I find I want it to be either heads or tails. The other 1% I just go with the flip.


2) Ask kiddo. Pull up 2 pages so they're right next to each other... ask him which ones he likes better.

Now... it's time to go to miniboden... oh boy, i LOVE their buy 3 get one for $1... buy 2:$1 is even better :D :D :D


answers from Columbus on

I love the color orange, so that's my vote!! Seems really "summery", too!



answers from Indianapolis on

Orange......seems to be the color this year.......don't know why......have fun....and take care.



answers from Atlanta on

I'm personally a HUGE fan of the orange stars. I really like the color orange MiniBoden uses -it's a good, kind of washed bright if that makes any sense. I love their clothes -they last forever!



answers from Roanoke on

I love Mini Boden and love Boden for myself. I just wish that they weren't always out of my size. The good thing is that they usually restock pretty quickly. I just bought an awesome bikini and a great yellow dress to wear to my friend's wedding! :) I like both pairs of shorts but, the orange is fun! It is summer time so go with color! :)

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