Hi A.,
I both my older daughters had Molluscom. My 10 yr old had it on her inner thighs (just about the worst place to get it), so it would never go away...It would rub her pants, erupt and spread. My Dr. kept telling me it would run it's course, but after 2.5 years i'd had it. (I know 2.5 years seems like a long time, but the dr. kept telling me the only solutions were painful and I didn't want to put her through that.) So anyhow, we changed dr's.....and the new Dr. gave us acne cream RETIN A...and it worked!! it is so safe and sensative, it was the only RX cream my DR gave me when i was pregnant to treat my acne.
Also as far as scarring goes, the scars are extremly small, and as the child grows the scar stretches out and disapprears.
My 9 year old had it on her face, the acne cream cleared it up without any scarring. However my 10 year old who had it on her leg did get scars...(not from the cream, but the bubbles can get infected and HAVE to be popped, like a pimple, its gross), but the scars are gone now because she has grown.
I know another mama source Mama said this, and I stress what she said, this can take years and years to run it's course and it can still scar without treatment.
A friend of mine's daughter had it on her face and she popped the bubbles, and then put bandaids on them to keep from spreading...she has no scars. However, it's easier to pop and bandaid older kids...nine month old, not so much.
And yet again, ANOTHER friend of mine, her daughter had it on the sides of her stomach, then her inner arms, (from walking her arms would rub against the side of her belly and it spread)...she treated with the burning off...her daughter was 4 when she did it, and she said it didn't hurt at all...again, 4 years old, not nine months.
I am giving you all these different situations to show you how extremely contagious it is...we don't know what kid started it, but both my older daughters got it, and three of my friends kids. My 10 year old refused to wear shorts out in public becasue she was so self consious of it. If you don't treat it, it will speard ALL OVER YOUR SON. If a child bathes with another child with it, they can get it...it's a virus like a cold..
When treating, you need to wash the linnens your child sleep on, because it can get on the linnens and spread when he lays back down. I know it sounds extreme, but i was told to treat it like lice, wash everything often until it's gone.
I would insist your doctor treat this virus, as mine refused to, we switched doctors. it was cleared up in three months after we got the cream. if switching dr's isn't something you want to do, you have every right to get a second opinion...I would definatly look into that.
Hope this helps....sorry for writing such a book..but this thing put my daughters through H*ll for two years and I would hate to have it happen to someone else, especially a nine month old baby....I made the mistake of listening to my kids' dr and not treating for 2.5 years...there are safe, painless treatments...it may take a few of them to get the right one for your son, but don't leave it untreated!!
D. :) :) :)