Dear L.,
I saw lots of advice the mentioned speaking with/seeing the attorney. Good advice. Also though, you may want to check your current custody order. I know that with my step-son the order (near the end) specified that neither parent was to drink or use drugs in the minor's presence AND they were not to allow it in their home when he was there (to the best of their ability) IMO, unless she's NOT the one paying the bills, she CAN say what goes on in the home. If she's Not paying the bills, and there's stuff going on contrary to the order, let her know that if she takes him to that environment, you'll see her back in court. If possible (I know it would be difficult) allow her to see him at your house, or maybe a nearby playground, mall, etc. BTW, you mentioned a home inspection ~ that is not regular protocol for an average case. So you MIGHT be able to say she can't have him until there's another home inspection done. (you'd have to check with the attorney on that one.) Just a few thoughts. Oh, and one more thing, you're probably already doing this, but DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT (EVERYTHING!) I transcribe court cases and unless you have it in writing, it'll just be a he said/she said battle. BTW, you alos need to do it contemporaneously, which means that as soon as you get off the phone, you document the call. As soon as she picks up the kid, document the conversation and anything that stands out. If she drops him off in clothes that are not seasonally appropriate, write it down right away. My sister's boyfriend has a kid, and around December or January, they went to pick up his kid one weekend, and she was in a short-sleeved dress and sneakers (no socks and no sweater/jacket). That's my 22 cents worth. ;) God bless ~ I'll be praying for you all!