Hi S., My family had to deal with Mrsa last year. First thing I want to tell you is everything will be ok. I was so horrified when I started looking on line and I was so freaked out and scared. But here we are a full year later and no more outbreaks. I would be happy to share with you what my family did, although I don't know what worked the most or if it was just a combination of these things that finally got us MRSA free.
Most importantly have your daughter take her antibiotic as prescribed and until it is finished. I would imagine they have her on a sulfur based antibiotic like bactrim.
Super good hygiene is important. Wash your hands before and after every diaper change, trip to the bathroom ect.
After much research I decide to limit the amount of antibacterial soap we were using, to just the affected areas. The reason for this is we all have good bacteria that is much better at fighting off these "bugs". By constantly using antibacterial products we are killing all our good bacteria, and the staph bacteria can get stronger. My son's Mrsa was also presented as boils on his rear end. So we had him shower and use disposable wash cloths ( Even good paper towels like Viva work) with antibacterial dial liquid body wash on just his arm pits, and private parts. These are the warm moist areas that staph like. We washed the towels in the hottest setting after every use. We also used paper towels to dry our hands instead of sharing a hand towel. We ate yogurt like crazy, to boost our good bacteria. We also consumed large amounts of turmeric. I could go the rest of my life with out tasting this spice again. My husband and I took Turmeric pills, and we cooked all our proteins with it. I am sure we all smelled terrible, lol. I found about the turmeric during my late night on line research and figured what do we have to loose. We also limited our sugar intake as bacteria loves sugar. Another important thing we did was cut all our finger nails very short so we couldn't carry any high jackers. As far as cleaning the home... I bleached everything, all the time, everyday. We did all this for 6 months or more, the Dr. warned us it would probably come back, but so far so good.
As far as what is Mrsa and how to you get it here is what I think. Most of us carry staph bacteria on our bodies and in our noses. After years of antibiotic misuse and over prescribed, some of these staph stains have become resistant to many antibiotics like penicillin. Staph infections are dangerous enough.... but add to that new ones that so strong and resistant to modern drugs and that makes a big problem. Mrsa was in hospitals for years and caused many injuries and death to sick people with compromised immune systems and was passed around from patient to patient. Now a days it is not just effecting patients, but is all over the place. We could have picked it up anywhere. Once it is in a household it is easier to spread from family member to family member because of the close contact. The best thing you can do is try to keep your family strong and healthy and everyone in the house has to be careful whether they show signs of it or not. If you want to send me a private message with your phone # I would be happy to talk to you about. It will all be ok. At least you know what you are dealing with. I think a lot of families go through this but don't talk about it because they don't want to be treated like the plague.
Sorry for the novel :)
One last thing. Any cut, scrape, pimple, bug bite, should be treated and covered. My husband and I use full strength tee tree oil (too strong for little ones skin) or bacitracin for kids.