Dear T.,
I have only had one C-section; a transverse or pfanensteil incision (bikini-type incision) due to my son being in a transverse lie position; he also had multiple complications at his birth (a very necessary Cesarean delivery). My sister-in-law had four successful C-sections because all of her children were breech and the physicians were not trained in turning breech babies. She had attempted VBAC births 3 times, but after discussing her births with her, we concluded that she did not have the type of encouragement necessary for VBAC births (encouragement from physicians, position awareness for VBAC birth, etc.). As you probably know, the more Cesarean surgeries one has, the more risks one can have from surgical complications (infection, etc.). I highly recommend that if you want more information about multiple Cesarean births, you can get information from ICAN (International Cesarean Awareness Network). They can help provide data on this (if that's what you need) or do you solely want birth stories from women with more than 4 Cesarean births?
A. D.