I too am 27 and have an 8 year old son, and from i've heard from numerous friends and relatives and doctors it is perfectly normal. I know it's not what you want to hear but..... this behavior started before I got pregnant with now my 4 month old, so my son's issues have nothing to do with his baby brother. At this age they start testing their boundaries and seeing how far they can stretch the rules. My husband and I have really had to step up and be a team and not let him over ride us! It is hard because I think of him as a baby still but he is growing up. You have to let him know that any bad behavior will result in either his favorite toy being taken away. ds, wii, gameboy, etc... or find some kind of consequence to his bad behavior. I know it's hard. Now days parents are always jumping to the conclusion that their child is add or adhd and that is just not the case.