You say that 2 of the kids play soccer. I'm assuming it is not the 4 yr old since you didn't mention him playing soccer. My daughter was just like this at that same age. It was like someone flipped a switch on her 2nd b-day. I worked full time at the time and her brother was born around the same time. It seemed like I couldn't wait to get rid of my kids on the weekends to have some me time. Long story short, she started escaping from me and everyone else. She would say she is going shopping. I quit working despite the financial need before she started kindergarten to take her to and from school everyday because I could not let her get on the bus. She never would have made it! She is in 2nd grade now, and I still take her and pick her up everyday, but things have definately changed. Basically, she was feeling neglected. I was so busy with work and her brothers, and exhausted that I didn't have time for one on one with any of them. That is when the acting out began. It changed dramatically when I stayed home and focused so much time on her. Now, I have been able to "wean" her from so much attention, but I still have to watch her like a hawk. She is just my Independant one!