My daughter is now 9-years-old and is and will always be hypersensitive. I've found a wonderful book that has been a lifesaver. It's called The Highly Sensitive Child: Helping Our Children Thrive When the World Overwhelms Them by Elaine N. Aron, Ph.D. I have mine all marked up, and every now and then I take it off the shelf and reread it. My daughter is in the 4th grade in the fall, and then next year all the 5th grade classes (about 700 students) converge together in Middle School; I've heard this is a very stressful time because of all the changes. You can bet I'll be rereading my book! My daughter also has Sensory Processing Disorder (I have some wonderful books on that as well) and has been seeing a Childhood Specialist since she was in Kindergarten; having her see someone she can talk to--without mom or dad--has made a world of difference. I don't have any expertise in these areas (her big one is friends/making friends/social skills)so I am so glad we found someone we all like.
If you want to talk more or have questions, contact me.