My daughter who is 3.5 stutters here and there. It started at the age of 2 and my initial thought was speech problems but it is actually pretty common. According to where I was doing my research it was 1 in 5 kids between 2 and 5 stutter. Many things can cause it stress from potty training to moving to death of someone close plus many others. Or it could just be something they do with no given reason. As for my daughter around the age of 2 she started having problems going to the potty (constipated) and when this would happen she would start to stutter then for weeks she would be fine and out of nowhere she would stutter again. I corrected her at first but with doing research it suggests not bringing attention to it. One being you know kids do stuff for attention anyways so if they see you pay attention more when they do it they will continue and also for some of the older kids if it is pointd out it may be embarass them