Just don't miss a moment of this time. We never know how long we will be given on this earth and you don't want to look back and regret lost time. My advice to you is to sit down with someone else that you are close to and talk it out, cry it out, whatever you need. Then ask God to help you find the great strength that he created you with and embrace this opportunity and time that you have with her. It may be years, months, who knows. She must be feeling very worried, sad, lonely, anxious. I assume that since she is your mom, she has been the strong one for you all of these years. Now it's your turn. You reach down and find that strength and spend every moment with her that you can. Help her through all of it. Talk with her about her fears, her hopes, your fears, your hopes. If you guys are close, this should only bring you closer. These will be the moments that you will cherish long after she is gone. It sounded to me from your post like you are frozen by this news. No time to waste.....go now and offer your heart, time, love, help and frienship to her. She needs you more than ever and you need her. Don't leave anything unspoken. Trust me, from experience, it is much more assuring to talk with them about everything before they are gone. It will be the best gift you have ever given her or yourself. You are both in my prayers.