I would apply for WIC and for assistance with insurance-Medicaid, you would qualify for all of the assistance if you aren't receiving any money from your husband and you aren't working. Have you tried looking at the Colleges and Universities for jobs? Could your Mom and Dad help out on taking your child to any of the appointments? Is there another family member or someone else who could take him to his appts? Maybe you could work in the late afternoons or early evenings.
My husband works at Jacobs and I believe the website is www.jacobs.com Check out the website and see if you are interested in any of the jobs. If you find something and want to apply, let us know by emailing us and we can go from there and I'll give you my husband's name and so he can get credit for it. He works in Fort Worth, however they have an office in Dallas as well.
We've have special needs kids before with Foster Parenting and was able to get some of the therapy to be at home. The therapists would come to our home for speech, OT and PT. Not sure if they can come for your child to your home or not, maybe that might help.
I have an atty that I can recommend, if you would like a name of one. I would highly suggested going thru an atty to get everything you are entitled to.
You might try Starbucks, they are very disability people friendly. Home Depot hires people with disabilities also. Albertson's does too. Maybe some of these places might be more understanding.
You could try an employment agency. I'm an employment consultant, however I work with people with disabilities. I would check out unemployment office and see if you can get some assistance there. Have you thought about something part time? What about the Child Study Center? They have therapy, school and Dr.'s there for special needs kids. If you work there, your child could also get therapy there and you would all be in the same building. There are located downtown Fort Worth. Have you checked out Cook's Children's Hospital or Harris Methodist Hospital?
That's all I can think of right now. I can see you are frustrated. I have a disability and I worked full time with it and it was difficult, as I had therapy and Dr. appts too. Employers don't always like that and they aren't understanding all the time with that. You are in a tough position. Sorry you are going thru all of this by yourself with your child. I know your parents are there to support you too. I wish your husband could be there to help you. Have you thought about working with ECI-Early Childhood Intervention or MHMR? Hope this helps, good luck.
I do know a family that has a child with Autism. They go to my church, I've supervised him in Sunday School. I'd have to get their permission to give out their name and number to you. If I see them, I will ask them about it. They have a 6 or 7 year old boy with Autism. It can be very challenging with Autism.