Two things...I love the house fairy...www.housefairy.org. There is a list on there that says at what age which chores are good for the kid. I also use Flylady. www.flylady.net We have alist of chores that the girls and my dh and I do. They are all on the wall. All of them start with make my bed, clean my room, and then they have two other chores on it. My dd who is 2 has pick up my toys in the family room and help mommy with my laundry. She helps me carry it downstaird (usually by riding in the basket but sometimes she will carry some shirts down) and I have her help put the soap in and move them to the dryer. She also wipes off her spot at the table after dinner and I have a small basket on the counter that has the daily rags in it, which she carries down to the luandry room and dumps out and we put the basket back for the next day.
My grandmother used a system I see one of my friends use and it works great for her (and did for my grandmother too) the toys aren't allowed in certain living spaces and when they migrate as they always do, there is one warning to take the toy back to the (toy room in your case) or the toy will be taken away. If not returned to the (toy room) the toy is then put in a bin. They both used different systems for the kid to earn the toy back, but I know in my grandmother's case with 16 kids it was critical for her to be strict on that. There were never toys left out. Even as grandkids we knew where we could play with toys and that grandma meant business. My friend gives her kids one week to earn back the toy by doing extra chores. If not earned back at the end of the week they get donated. My Grandma had a drawer the toys ended up in. I had to pick up all the toys we had played with and put everything away, then she let me get mine back on the condition that if it came out again I wouldn't see it. I didn't leave my toys out at grandma's after that. I was scared to lose it for good. lol.
I'm also working on a picture book for my daughter right now for her chores because I would like to start implementing more routine into her life--so I am making a picture book for her of her daily duties. And some extras. So a picture of her bed made, her picking up her toys, and her night routine of a bath, Jammies, toothbrush and toothpaste, etc. I am hoping it will help us lose some if the fights we have about the routine at night by having her get the book and tell me what we are going to do, help her feel like it is more in her power...(she's 2)
I should probably start implementing my friends toy rule at my house...but I just found out I can't have any more kids so they toys all over during the day are kind of nice for me right now.