Nitrous doesn't really do much.
Please consider the option of general anesthesia. Not an oral med or IV like they use for putting in tubes or something but with a real pediatric dentist in a hospital setting and a real anesthesiologist. There is a world of difference.
Our pediatric dentist uses the out patient surgery at Children's Hospital in OKC. We take kiddo in NPO and they take him back to the waiting are for surgery. They put a mask over them to put them under just enough to do the IV. Then they go out all the way.
They wake up with no side effects at all ready to go eat and play.
When we had tubes put in our boys ears they used a gas anesthesia. It was horrible. He came out of it a couple of times. Then when he was waking up his breath smelled horrible, the med was being expelled through his breathing. He screamed and cried for nearly an hour.
They said almost all kids come out of that sort of anesthesia like that, it was NORMAL!!!
I think it was cruel. He remembers some of his surgery. I'd much rather have kiddo go out with an IV med instead of gas in any way.
I am terrified of dentists. I have a dentist now who gives adults a pill to take about a half hour before they come to the office, kids get to drink a syringe full of the liquid version of it. Went with a friend who's kid had to have an emergency extraction. I was so impressed at how this med worked I am going to this dentist now.
There are many ways to address this issue. I prefer the hospital out patient route with the IV meds to knock them out.
Some prefer a pill or liquid to make the sleepy then add the gas in the chair.
Some aren't bothered too much by the office visit and gas is enough to take the edge off.
There is no way I'd let my kiddo go through the pain and be awake while getting any dental work done. Just me though.
I don't think the gas will effect her at all and it will be like she's awake the whole time. Explore other options.