I have a 3 year old who has broke her arm twice. The first time was last January when she was jumping on the bed and fell off. The last time was in Nov. She fell of the back on the couch. She broke the same arm just in diffrent places. The last time she broke it up by her shoulder in a place that couldn't be casted. So she had a sling, then I had to wrap it to her body. Let me tell you...My daughter is very very active and it was the worst trying to keep her arm in the dang sling. She would take it off every five min.
The first time though she did have a cast and it wasn't that bad. The hardest part was just giving the baths. She seemed to know her restrictions and seemed to deal with the whole thing ok.
Now we have to go to a specialist to see if she has some bone disease, since she breaks very easily.
I know a arm has to be alot easier then a leg. I am so sorry to hear about that! You are going to have your hands full it sounds like. I will pray for you.
The first week or so will prob have alot of pain and with the meds they give her she will prob be out of it. The rest of the time I would suggest renting her fav. movies and having crafts and her fav. toys within her reach. Maybe get her a special little box filled with fun stuff that you can change every day so it is a new suprise.
I do know a bit of what you are going through and I want to wish you luck. If you need someone to talk to shoot me a mail.