Try putting ice on the spot before you go in. And take it with you so you can continue to ice it up until they are ready to do the treatment.
Today I have to go in for my 6th freezing on a planter wart on the ball of my foot.
I really hope if this treatment doesn't work they will consider surgery or something else. We did 3 acid and now this will be the third freezing. It has not blistered at all ( like they said it would once they hit the root) on any treatment. I have 90% of the callus removed from cutting it with a scalpel they gave me to use... its still not doing anything!
My dr wont numb my foot before doing any of the treatments. They said since its such a short time ( 10 sec/ 3 times) that it isn't necessary. Well those 30 sec are SO painful to me. Im in tears by the time they do the third freezing. Once the freezing is done after about 30 mins I have no pain at all from the treatment. The only thing that happens is my foot swells about 3x bigger than the other and lasts 2-3 days. Im allergic to ibuprofen and Tylenol doesn't do anything for pain for me.. so taking those before I go in wont help.
I was wondering by using some tooth pain reliever ( like ambisol) and numb the spot they are going to freeze is it really going to hurt anything?
I know its probably not the smartest idea in the world... but Im already sick to my stomach knowing what is coming this afternoon.
Thank you all! I didn't numb it just in case it would hurt something. I tuffed it out. Other than the swelling its not doing anything again. They set me up with a podiatrist next week to have it cut out. Hopefully it will be numb for that ;) At least I know ( well hope anyways) next week will be the last time I will have to worry about and after 5 years of dealing with it, its going to be over and done with!
Try putting ice on the spot before you go in. And take it with you so you can continue to ice it up until they are ready to do the treatment.
My mother goes to dialysis and she has some sort of cream (it is a script so you would have to call the doc and call it in) on just before she goes and it numbs the area. Call and beg the nurse in your doctors office.
You could call to see if they have Emla cream to put on. But it takes about 30 minutes or more to take effect. That is probably why they do not want to bother with it. Try the ambisol and see if you feel a numbness. The gums are a lot more tender than your foot so it may not work that way you want or you may need one heck of a lot. When my son has a blood test done, they have a freezing spray that takes effect right away but only lasts a few minutes so not sure if that is sopmething you could ask for. Or you could check the store to see if they have anything with lidocaine in it. Emla cream's main ingredient is lidocaine but it is a prescription strength.
I had a plantar wart on my heel when I was 7.
They dug at it awhile but if kept growing into my foot.
Finally they sent me to have it irradiated (it was an x-ray machine) and that did the trick.
I suppose you could try Anbesol.
Hope they get rid of it soon.