If your landlord has decided not to renew your lease during these hard times it suggests to me that there are other reasons they want you out, especially since you say you are all paid up. Having an eviction on your record will make it extremely hard to rent anywhere ever again. When you are in court ask the judge if they will waive the eviction from going on your credit report since you are paid up. Make sure you leave your current dwelling clean and with no damages to be charged against you. Take pictures and receipts to court with you to cover yourself.
My husband and I fell on some hard times about 5 years ago and ended up having to sleep on a good friends livingroom floor for about 5 weeks until we found new jobs.
That torture led us to the current beautiful town we live in and we manage an apartment building which gives us a FREE place to live without having to pay utilities and we get a decent salary. That might be a good job for you. If your husband is a handy guy most apartment management companies look for a husband and wife team to do the managing and maintenance of the property. You might give that a whirl.
Either way, you are going through some pretty crazy life changes right now, but it will put you where God wants you to be regardless of whether you want to be there or not. You cannot fight God's will for your life.
Pray about it, have faith and watch for the doors that open for you while the others are closing.