Dear T.,
Something that I read just this week may help a little. A lot of times once we're married, we no longer treat each other as we did when we were dating (looking out for each other, complimenting each other, putting the other's needs above our own, seeking out ways to show affection...) and that is one of the quickest ways to cool down. What we need to realize is that this man whom you've decided to be with needs to be reminded of the the reasons he loves you (and it's not only about sex).
I am happily married to my husband of ten years and one of the reasons is we learned, very early in our marriage, that mutual respect and appreciation goes a long way. It sounds like there are other things missing than just the sex. If you could, maybe plan a weekend without the kids (you don't have to go anywhere) and just spend time telling him the reasons you appreciate him. When my husband was unemployed for a year and I worked full-time (which we both hated) it was very hard and our sex life suffered. We had a big fight about how he didn't appreciate me and my sacrifice and I didn't appreciate him....I discovered that men are hard-wired to need respect and appreciation for the work that they do...that means more to them then almost anything. Once I expressed my respect for him and appreciation for the work he does...that unleashed a world of appreciation and respect back to me and subsequently heated our sex life (in fact that's where baby numebr three came from). I know that my view is unpopular with a lot of "modern" women b/c it requires that you give without receiving and that you offer respect for something "that I could do just as well if not better". That attitude is what his seriously harming marriages today! Men need respect, women need affection. That's what most relationship issues boil down to, a miscommunication based on differing needs.
I read a great book called the Five Love Langauges by Gary Chapman and it goes into detail (using anecdotes and stories as well as research and commentary) about the basic ways people receive and give "love"...once you understand your language and get a glimpse of his language...things can improve.
I'm sorry this is so long...I truly believe that most issues can be worked through with a little self-sacrifice and patience. But, if you have more questions or anything...feel free to respond or email