In my marriage, I want my man to adore me, look forward to coming home to me, be glad to be married to me, etc. With this as my focus, it helps answer questions like this that come up.
First you have to put yourself in your man's shoes. So many women these days look at life only from their perspective. Yes, being a SAHM is exhausting but it is also very rewarding. I got to hang out with my kids, set a schedule to eat, play, run errands, etc. We got to laugh, explore, cook, read, and learn together. I got to see those loving eyes, those outstretched arms, hear those adorable sounds and conversations, etc. on a daily basis. My husband didn't get to do those things during the week. He had to deal with his challenges at work on someone else's schedule. He worked hard and sacrificed a lot to keep me home.
After finding out what he would like his evening to be when he got home, I would try and make that happen. I also built him up by praising him for his hard work and sacrifice. After 30 years, I still tell him how much I appreciate him. What I got in return was respect and admiration. He would offer to do things for me because he wanted to show his appreciation. I would tell him how much it turned me on when he did stuff like that. If I asked him for help, he was happy to do it because he knew I really needed it and wasn't just whining.
The way you ask should never come across as an accusation of him not being the man you want him to be. I can't imagine a worse thing for a man to hear after a long day of work.
Another benefit I had was when my husband had to have neck surgery and during his recovery he saw what everyday was like with a 1 and 3-year-old. After that, anytime anyone ever said, "Oh, your wife doesn't work," he always answered that I worked a lot harder than he ever did.
So, stop comparing your day to his. It sounds like he is happy to help as long as he gets some food in his stomach. Even though you don't have the luxury of eating undisturbed, you have many blessings that many working moms don't get to enjoy. The day will come when you can eat your meals undisturbed and you will do anything to have a little interruption...