Let this be a lesson to all paci sympathetic parents! I am not trying to ruffle feathers or offend anyone, but I can't hardly stand to see preschool age children running around with a paci in their mouth. Here's why:
I sucked a paci until I was almost six. My parents just never took it away, and I'm sure tried to justify it in a number of ways. Now that I have children of my own, I know now it was just plain old laziness on their part. They just didn't want to hear me cry, or deal with taking it away. Ultimately, my uncle, thank goodness, had good enough sense and stepped up. He put Texas Pete on the paci one day when I wasn't around. When I popped that thing in my mouth it burned me up-lol. He told me that he had put Texas Pete on all my pacis, and if I washed it off, he would put more on them again and again. He said he would be over everyday, with his bottle of Pete, until I threw them in the trash. That was the end of that. I threw them away myself.
People can say it doesn't hurt a child's teeth and all that nonsense, but I wore braces twice over 5 years to fix major orthodontic issues (misalignment, crossbite, bad overbite). I still have jaw problems from all the orthodontic work. The front of my mouth was so misaligned before all the work that the permanent teeth were loosening and I was developing periodontal disease. Was it because of that long term paci use? My dentist thought so. No one else in my family has orthodontic problems, so it definitely wasn't hereditary. Eventually, my parents had to pay the piper in the form of some serious $$.
Hopefully, the mother won't let it go on as long as my parents did. Feel free to hare this answer with your granddaughter's mother- you'll be doing her a big favor about 10 years from now!