Painful Periods - Maybe TMI

Updated on July 11, 2012
A.S. asks from Dallas, TX
7 answers

The last 5-6 months have been agony during my perios. I thought at first that it was just cramping which I have always had but this is different. The pain is sharper and very low, not widespread or in my back like my cramps used to be. It it very painful when I use the restroom especially if I need to defecate. My doctor can see me tomorrow but I'm wondering what this could be. She said that until the appointment I could take 3 - Advil every 6 hours but while that helps with pain when I'm walking around it does nothing for the restroom part. If you have experienced this what were some things you have done to relieve the pain? I have tried heating pads, thermal wraps, pain medications, and it will dull the pain but not very well. Also what could this be? I will be so glad to see my doctor tomorrow morning to at least get some ideas. I'm hoping she doesn't tell me that it is my body changing and that's how it has to be. Other than the pain nothing else is abnormal about my period, same frequency, length, etc.

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answers from Los Angeles on

Endometriosis! I was diagnosed with it 10 years ago when I begin my journey of treatment for infertility. One of the biggest symptoms I had was extremely painful bowel movements. It felt like my colon was going to come out with what was in it :) It was awful. I did end up having it removed via laparoscopic surgery. They diagnosed me with stage 2, which means that it spread to a certain point. The higher the stage the more wide spread it is. They have different types of treatment for it that don't involve surgery. Although, my doc said that is is almost impossible to diagnose it without looking inside...?

Nothing will help the pain...just your period ending! Good luck to you.

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answers from Lincoln on

my friend just had a procedure done because she had beginning stage of endometriosis. she explained the same symptoms as you. another friend of mine had cysts and pollups on her ovaries which caused her a huge amount of pain. they had to be surgically removed. hopefully you can get some answers and get some relief from your pain. i am sure it is nothing you really need to worry about, but sure sounds like you might have to undergo some procedures to help you get comfortable. good luck!

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answers from Portland on

Hi Aria,

I think the suggestion of endometriosis is pretty right on, but it's still good for you to go see a doctor. I've worked with a doc and naturopath on possible (because they've never done the laproscopy to look inside) endometriosis, and yes, similar symptoms. It was so bad that I actually had symptoms during the week of ovulation and during the onset of my cycle, so I was in pretty chronic, debilitating pain 50% of the time.

I found that I had to take too much Advil, I got sick on it because the pain was so bad. FORTUNATELY, my doc put me on a birth control pill so I only get a period once every three months. This has done *wonders* for me and saved me from a hysterectomy, because I'd hit the wall, pain-wise. I use the LoSeasonique, and it took me about a half year for the cramps to really wind down completely, but now the three advil will knock'em out no problem, and if really necessary, a heating patch, but those days are very few and far between. 100% improvement in quality of life.

By the way, I hadn't tolerated birth control earlier, when I was younger, but have done well now, so do consider trying this. Good luck!



answers from Dallas on

It could be endometriosis or a cyst. I had a very large cyst on my ovary for years (which I didn't know it was there) and it cause major pain. I had it removed about 2 years ago and have been much better. It's good that you have a drs apt!!

Good luck and God Bless!



answers from Kansas City on

Do you have hemorrhoids? I'm not sure if there would be a correlation to your period, but maybe, and especially if your BMs are more painful, it sounds like it could be the case.

Sounds awful though, hope you get it figured out!



answers from Washington DC on

Could be dehydrated
Could be anemic
Could have a kidney infection.
Could be endometriosis
Could have a herniated disc.



answers from Bloomington on

I had endometriosis and pollyps. LOTS of pain. I had them removed once via laproscopic surgery 10 years ago. Then dealt with the pain as it came back and I was TTC. After 6 years of infertility, and 2 kids later, I tried the bc pill someone else used (although I already had my tubes tied). That didn't work for me. (I also have PCOS.) So, I had my hysterectomy last Sept.

I hope you find the answers you need. It is VERY painful, and I completely emphathize with you.

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